The Pieces Podcast: Pieces Made Whole II

This playlist is a continuation of the initial “Pieces Made Whole” Playlist which began at the beginning of 2020 year with a rededication to myself. To pour into myself with none other than the source of my strength and all things good in my life, Christ.

During this time, the song “Pieces” by Amanda Cook took root in me. I had never heard this song, but it’s lyrics moved me, “You don’t give your heart in pieces, you don’t hide yourself.” However, often I give my life to the Lord in relationships, my job, my home, my health, my passions, and my gifts. All these things often are halfway in the Lord’s hands while I keep my grip on them. Yet all the Lord is asking me to do is TRUST HIM? Do I trust Him with my life? Do I truly trust Him with my heart’s desires? His love is pure and true. He knows what’s best and it’s a continuous and intentional effort to trust him over me.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

-Proverbs 3:5-6

I created this second playlist to continue to help me use my love for music and give it back to the Lord so that He is glorified. This music often narrated my quiet time in my devotionals to center my thoughts in Him. I hope this playlist urges you to listen intently to how the Lord is trying to speak to you within every lyric.


Chierra Lindsay